Dallas Afterschool created and designed Wonder Kits® to fit the challenges and needs of Out-of-School Time programs. Inspired by curiosity, Wonder Kits are easy-to-use Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) curriculum kits that only require 10 minutes of prep time. Each box contains materials needed to run a hands-on, engaging activity for up to 25 students and feature easy to follow instructions, a how-to video, and tips to make every project a learning opportunity for both the facilitator and students. Wonder Kits® are offered as a free service to Dallas Afterschool partner programs.

Corporate Sponsors

Want to help create an amazing new Wonder Kit® with YOUR BRANDING?  Sponsorship packages are available.

Each kit includes:


Nationally-aligned lesson plans

Instructional how-to videos

Materials for up to 25 students

Contact Kyle Francis for more information.

Special thanks to our current sponsors: