Qualified and caring staff are key to safe, high quality Out-of-School Time (OST) programming, yet hiring and retaining staff is one of the greatest challenges for providers. In response, Dallas Afterschool launched our ECOST Workforce Development program three years ago to help the OST community hire and retain talented staff so they can focus on the most important priority, our students.
Early Childhood / Out-of-School Time (ECOST) Workforce Development
For participating program providers, we offer:
- Staff recruiting, screening and hiring
- Funding support / payroll assistance
- Health benefits coverage for staff in the program
For participating ECOST professionals, we provide:
- Subject matter training in Early Childhood and Out-of-School Time
- Employment placement (25 hours per week at $15 per hour)
- Health benefits
- A professional career ladder for Early Childhood and Out-of-School Time
- College-level educational opportunities